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Our caring instructors offer a more engaging learning experience than one-to-many, “broadcasted” instruction — whether inside a classroom or online. Our one-on-one approach features genuine, in-depth feedback to help students engage and learn. At the end of each course, students are asked to offer any feedback on the courses, although it is not required. Below are recent student responses.

I want to say thank you and I really appreciate all of the feedback you gave me this semester and last semester. I can confidentially say that this course has helped me grow as a person and with my writing. I feel as though my writing has improved drastically as well as my critical thinking skills. You have been one of my favorite professors from the start because of how kind and encouraging you have been to me, and the rest of the class. Thank you so much for all of the hard work that you put into grading and writing quality feedback. I am so grateful to have been able to have you as a professor and a guide in my educational journey.

I just wanted to say thanks so much for your positive and uplifting feedback over the progression of the course this semester! I have learned so much from this course and you this semester and I really appreciate all of your hard work to keep this class a fun learning experience for everyone! Your kindness and patience have helped me overcome challenges and have given me confidence to push myself further than I believed possible. Thank you for being an amazing teacher and mentor!

I personally think that the best part of this class was my helpful instructor. I would get feedback very quickly. He would also send out helpful tips to completing assignments.

You have always been the best instructor at returning assignments in a timely manner, and I really appreciate that! Thank you!

Prof. Smith, I am truly thankful for all the help you gave me this semester. You really have been such a fantastic course instructor! Noting that it is the season of gratitude, I want to express my thanks and appreciation for you throughout this course. With your encouragement, I have more motivation to continue to work hard and learn from future challenges in my education. I wish you the best and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season. Thanks again!

I feel my teacher has done a fantastic job. He gives top-tier comments on my assignments and great reviews. Just from how fast he grades and the comments he give, I can tell he cares so much about his students learning. I love him as a teacher.

One thing I really wanted to mention was how grateful I am for the amount of feedback I received. I really appreciate the kind side notes as well such as, hang in there! I never felt as though I was failing anything. The feedback was positive as well and very thoroughly given. I did not move on until I knew exactly what I was doing. I never felt as though my questions were dumb, but they were very encouraged and accepted.

My favorite aspect of the course was the interaction I had with the course instructor. He provided a great deal of useful information and tips to help improve my writing. He really took the time to scrutinize my essays to find everything I could improve upon.

The second lesson is that the teacher wants to help. With most of my courses in the past, the teacher was always an entity that did not care what I turned in, no matter how crappily the work was written. With this class, I got a completely different experience, and I indeed was able to grow better from this course than any other that I have taken… This class has been one of the best classes that I have taken in my entire life, and I hope that I will find more just like it.

Thank you for your feedback. I really appreciate your words of encouragement. I enjoyed this class and learned a lot.

Once again, for the second semester in a row, I am very thankful for you as a professor. My procrastinating habits would have left me dead in the water in this class if I didn’t have that nearly instant, almost always same-day feedback on assignments. I feel bad for anyone without the opportunity to have you as their teacher. You were the bright spot in a class I struggled with a lot. So again, you don’t know how much you’ve helped.

I really enjoyed this course and I learned so much. The instructor for this course is extremely helpful and an amazing professor. I always got great answers to all my questions and the instructor did an amazing job of giving lots of help when it was needed. I would definitely recommend this course to other students.

A specific strength of this course is that if you have questions, you can ask, and you will get an answer. You don’t have to be afraid to ask questions when you are confused. One weakness of this course is that it had an end. I greatly enjoyed being able to write and receive guidance from my wonderful instructor. Professor Smith, you have been so very helpful over this course, and I would like to call and say thank you at some point. Overall, this was a great course with many lessons and useful information that I will take with me moving forward.

Thank you so much. I have apprecieated your detailed and encouraging responses. They have been very helpful for me in my goal to improve as a writer. It’s not often that I get a teacher who is willing to go above and beyond like that. I wish you good luck and a good summer.

The instructor was great. He responded quickly to my emails when I had questions, and he sent helpful comments and tips along throughout the semester.

A strength of this course was the teacher, Professor Smith. Although the grading might seem harsh at first, he provides a ton of insight and helps when needed. Not only did he give helpful advice constantly, but he graded assignments faster than any other teacher I’ve ever had. This is extremely helpful as a student so I can make my assignments the best they can be with his help. Of course, this course was challenging and helpful for my future writing, but what made this course doable was the teacher, as stated above. He was a huge help and I couldn’t have passed/made it through without his help. So thank you Professor Smith and have a Merry Christmas!

I would like to thank my instructor for his guidance and dedication throughout this course. He was always available and responsive to answer my questions, address my concerns, and provide me with valuable feedback and resources. He also created a positive and supportive atmosphere that fostered my learning and growth as a writer. I appreciate his efforts and contributions to make this course a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

Professor Smith was incredibly helpful throughout the whole course and promptly answered any questions I had, gave helpful comments on my assignment, as well as fixed glitches in the course. It was nice to have a professor who was attentive to the students’ needs.

I do appreciate the instructor’s feedback and messages. It may seem like I didn’t read them because I didn’t respond to them, but that is just because I am terrible with messaging people. I finished my assignments barely on time, and it felt like he was rooting for me instead of discouraging me from trying as many teachers have done over my life. Overall, this class was carried by its instructor.

Being completely honest, I have to say that this is one of the best classes I’ve ever taken… I want to thank you for helping me through this course. I thought it was going to be a nightmare, but I enjoyed much more of the class than I had expected to. I really enjoy writing and I think this class has helped me understand strategies I might not otherwise.

Once again, for the second semester in a row, I am very thankful for you as an instructor. My procrastinating habits would have left me dead in the water in this class if I didn’t have that nearly instant, almost always same-day feedback on assignments. I feel bad for anyone without the opportunity to have you as their instructor. You were the bright spot in a class I struggled with a lot. So again, you don’t know how much you’ve helped.

Thank you for giving me the support I needed. You are the best. It was a pleasure being your student.

I just want to say thank you! You have been an awesome instructor. You give very good, very constructive criticism. Your feedback is positive and clear, and has helped me level-up my writing. Thank you!

I loved the way the class was set up, and most of all, I loved the professor. I feel like his communication was helpful and clear. I felt like when I didn’t understand something, he was always willing to take the time to explain. Thank you!

Thank you so much for giving so much personally detailed feedback on each writing assignment. These changes have made my writing stronger going forward and made my opportunities grow. I really appreciate the obvious time you took to thoroughly read all my assignments to give me something I could individually work on. It is very appreciated and does not go unnoticed!

My instructor is one of my favorite professors I have had yet, he sends regular messages to remind students of the deadlines, things in the lessons, and tips. He is by far the fastest professor I have ever had regarding responding to messages, giving feedback, and grading assignments. His feedback is also very comprehensive and helpful, he does not spare time when giving feedback. Most professors I have had respond to assignments with only a “Good Job” and that is the only thing I hear from them the entire semester. It is sometimes hard to imagine them as real people. Professor Smith is not like this, despite his generic name (No offense meant ). He communicates with you. He is not afraid of writing an essay in response to questions and paying attention to students. If possible I would take another class with him in a heartbeat. Thanks, Professor Smith!!!

It’s been a pleasure being a student in your course! Thank you for all the constructive criticism and tips to improve my writing. This has been the most beneficial class I’ve taken thus far. Thanks again!


Julia: I just want to say that this course has been one of the best I have taken during my online-schooling career, due, mostly, to my instructor… I have appreciated your words of encouragement your responsiveness so much. You helped me so quickly and willingly with all of my questions, which has not always been true for past professors. You understand what you teach, and you do not expect perfectionism which is, I am sure, appreciated by all of your students. Thank you for the great semester!

Hannah: Thank you so much for all your help! I have learned so much over the past two semesters through your feedback and support. Never before have I had a teacher so invested in helping me improve through individualized, specific feedback. Such feedback has made this and the previous course a wonderful experience. I feel so much more prepared for future college writing. Thank you!

Hunter:  Last semester I learned a ton from that course. Prof. Smith was possibly the best instructor I’ve ever had and I’m incredibly excited to be working with him again one last time for this course. I had a wonderful time in this semester writing my papers, and I’ve truly enjoyed my time here with the school. I loved the variety of papers I had to write, and I loved the feedback that was given to help me learn and improve with every submission.

Emily: The instructor’s feedback was polite and encouraging, while also being clear and helping me know how to improve. This was incredibly helpful.

Ana: I believe one of the strengths of this class is fostering of a mentor-student relationship. I really looked forward to hearing the feedback and felt like there was someone cheering me on. It made the class so much more enjoyable for me… I really appreciate you Professor Smith! Whatever your doing (I can’t place my finger on it) is really working. I enjoyed working with you this semester!

Eliza: The professor was the biggest strength of this course. He was fair, kind, and clear with expectations.

Baden: I am very thankful for the constant advice and help I have received from you. You have been a fantastic teacher.

Brynn: Overall this was a really fun course and I appreciate the feedback given on assignments. I could tell there was a lot of work put into this course. It paid off.

Ariana: I don’t have anything negative to say about this course, because it far surpasses other courses in teacher involvement and in the way the course builds on itself (lessons that lead into assignments, which allows you to apply what you learned). Thank you for your wonderful support and feedback! It was very motivating to feel like there was someone looking forward to read what I had to write. I always anticipated your feedback and wanted to apply what was mentioned. Not out of fear of a bad grade (that’s how it normally goes), but because I was given room to grow and improve. I wanted to meet the expectations not because I would be condemned if I didn’t but because I wouldn’t be condemned or scolded. This was so much more motivating in getting me to improve. Again, thank you!

Grace: I would just like to say thank you for your hard work and dedication throughout these years. You are very affective in your job, and I really appreciate how much you helped me throughout this semester. Your comments, emails, notes, and tips really helped!!

KaeLynn: Professor Smith has helped me through the preceding course and now in this course. He has been very wonderful and helpful. He is very dedicated and gives much of his time to help us as students become successful not only in our writing but also in our lives. He’s amazing. Thank you!

Faith: One specific strength of this course is the feedback that is given. Detailed feedback is given for each essay and assignment to help you strengthen your writing. It is very helpful to have this feedback especially when you want to do better with your writing. It allows improvement and growth to happen… Overall, this has been a great course that has been the most helpful to me out of most of the courses I have taken.

Mahjolee: One strength of this course is being able to get feedback from the professor almost immediately. It’s very helpful to get comments within a day or two of submitting an assignment. I could not identify any weaknesses. This instructor has been amazing and beneficial to my education. The professor is very helpful and his feedback is useful. Thank you!

Emmy: The instructor’s input after each draft, which includes detailed advice on how to improve your writing and make your argument as clear as possible, is this course’s greatest strength. By receiving this criticism, students can understand where their writing needs improvement and where it is done effectively, which will help them become better writers.

Kiriana: One specific strength this course provided for me was a great professor. I’ve taken quite a few online classes (I’ve had to retake some too haha), and no other course teacher showed this amount of care. I appreciate the detailed feedback that allowed me to grow a better understanding of writing and the words of encouragement that kept me going! Out of all of the courses I’ve taken, I’ve definitely enjoyed this one the best. I was able to understand the instructions clearly and learn to apply feedback to my essays. I’m very glad I was able to take this course while it lasted! Thank you!

Daria: I really enjoyed working with you. You are just spot on. What I love about you is you give wonderful feedback, and your really encouraging. That has helped me so much. You respond so quickly and when I don’t quite understand something you clear that up with such easyness. And you grade my work so fast. I really appreciate that. I want to thank you for everything that you’ve done, and no other school that I ever attend in the future will be the same without you.

Thomas: The first strength that this class has is the structure. The structuring and organization of this entire course is leagues above other classes I have taken here. The second strength of this course is the professor. He has given me so much feedback and criticism on each paper and basically no other class has a professor doing that. It has helped me with creating a better final draft every time.

AL:  In all of my years of school, I have never had a course as interactive as this! I’ve had courses that required me to watch plenty of videos, but I can’t remember a single class that has been so helpful and contains so many valuable tips! I also really loved how much control we had over what we could write about. That bit of control made writing our assignment so much easier!… I would just like to thank you for being so interactive with the students. A lot of my other professors don’t seem to like conversing much, but this class was like a breath of fresh air! It felt good to feel like I’m working with an actual person and not just words on a screen, if that makes any sense. So, thank you for everything that you’ve done for us this semester.

Rebecca: I have really enjoyed working with you these last two semesters. I appreciate your support… Thank you for being honest with me, both when regarding my strengths and weaknesses.

Kaleb: I am very happy with this course, I was able to learn how to write a more effective and well-structured essay. The instructor helps so much, all you have to do is ask. Thanks so much for helping me this semester, I have learned a lot!

Alexis: The strengths of this course are the numerous chances for feedback and instruction. The feedback was very helpful and I can tell that my essays were actually read which is nice. I found it very helpful in revising my work and taking advice from the messages. I want my instructor to know I liked this class and I appreciated the feedback and communication. You can really tell when teachers care about the students’ growth.

Emma: I just wanted to say thank you as well, Professor Smith, for encouraging me through this course and the previous course. To be honest, I am not that good of a student, and I am really bad at time management, so I would say that without your advice and encouragement, I probably would not have passed these classes. Thank you again for all of the help you have given me this semester.

Coleman: Just real quick, thanks Professor, for consistently sending out updates and reminders, because I likely wouldn’t have made it through the class without those. Also thank you for consistently providing good feedback and advice. I think that’s all. Thanks!

Marcus: By the way, thank you for giving me such good criticism. It is truly heartwarming to see that at least one of my teachers cares about my work.

Daniela: I am grateful for my instructor’s detailed responses. They allowed me to see what I needed to improve in my writing. It was also helpful to be told what I was doing right, so that I can hopefully develop good writing habits.

Brennan: I have nothing to say, except thank you! This has consistently been one of the best classes I’ve had the opportunity to take! Your feedback is very helpful, and I appreciate everything you’ve done!

Jackson: Thank you for a great semester. As always you did a great job helping me when I needed it and thank you for all of your great feedback!

Anthony: I really enjoyed having you as my professor for these last two semesters. Your in-depth feedback was a great resource for me. Thank you for all you do, I hope you have a good rest of the semester!

Jackson: Thank you so much for being awesome about grading my work so quickly. You were by far the fastest grader of any teacher I have ever had.

Julia: Thank you for your kind words and your encouragement… very wise words. I hope you are able to teach many more students and that they are able to learn as much as I did!

Ella: I believe my professor should know what a wonderful job he did grading all of my assignments. I thoroughly enjoyed all of the feedback he gave on every assignment.

Hailey: Thank you, Professor Smith, for all of your help this semester, I really appreciate it and I am glad I got to be your student again.

Calvin: Sorry for starting the course so late into the semester, Professor. Thank you for grading my assignments so quickly! I wouldn’t have finished the course without your help!

Kate: Thank you for always quickly and thoroughly grading my assignments. I have gotten great advice.

Hannah: Thank you so much for all your help! I have learned so much over the past two semesters through your feedback and support. Never before have I had a teacher so invested in helping me improve through individualized, specific feedback. Such feedback has made this and previous course a wonderful experience. I feel so much more prepared for future college writing. Thank you!

Carina: I would like to thank my teacher for his guidance and dedication throughout this course. He was always available and responsive to answer my questions, address my concerns, and provide me with valuable feedback and resources. He also created a positive and supportive atmosphere that fostered my learning and growth as a writer. I appreciate his efforts and contributions to make this course a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

Sam: I enjoyed working with my instructor and I think they helped me quite a bit in learning how to improve my writing and research.

Aspen: I really enjoyed this course and I learned so much. The instructor for this course is extremely helpful and an amazing professor. I always got great answers to all my questions and he did an amazing job of giving lots of help when it was needed. I would definitely recommend this course to other students.

Breanna: I love how much help we were offered. Whether people took the help or not it was nice to know that we weren’t doing this class alone. I really loved the feedback that we got to help us get a better grade. I really enjoyed this course.

Aspen: Thank you so much! You have been such an amazing professor! Thanks for all your help and encouragement!

Elijah: Thanks for teaching this year. I’ve taken a few semesters of classes here and I don’t think I’ve had another instructor who gave as much and as thoughtful feedback as you did, I enjoyed the class and your grading.

Willa: Thank you, Professor. The feedback for all of my essays really helped me and made my writing better!

Olivia: I also appreciated the positive feedback and suggestions. They really helped me improve my writing in order to get the best grade. That said, I can’t think of any weaknesses of this course. It was a great one, and if I had the opportunity to take it again, I would. Some concluding remarks: I would like to thank the instructor for always being so helpful and understanding, and I wish future students the best of luck with this course. Again, thank you.

EmmaRay: It has been by far one of the best courses I’ve taken. I really appreciate your positive comments and feedback on all of my assignments! Thank you for your patience with me. This was a tough semester, but you got me through it! Thank you for your enthusiasm, creativity, encouragement, and kindness. Thanks for being my professor this year!

Freya: This was a super fun class to take! Thanks for all the help!

Tafton: Thank you for teaching me to write well, not write right.

Ezra: Thank you for the comments! They were very insightful and beneficial. I thoroughly enjoyed this course, and I appreciate your contribution to my education and writing.

Daniela: Thank you so much. I have apprecieated your detailed and encouraging responses. They have been very helpful for me in my goal to improve… It’s not often that I get a teacher who is willing to go above and beyond like that. I wish you good luck and a good summer.

Ember: Thank you! I appreciate your insight. This course has been awesome!

Joshua: Thanks for being a great teacher! I really appreciate the feedback you’ve given me.

Joshua: This course was excellent. My instructor got assignments graded fast and helped me throughout the course. The assignments were well designed for the most part, and I can’t wait to use the information that I learned in this class in my future studies.

Dallas: And for my professor, I am so very grateful for having an instructor like you. Thank you so much for all your feedback and for your support. If it wasn’t for your reminders and encouragement, I don’t know if my work would have been done lol. I also want to thank you for your help as well. With your help, I was able to make it through my assignments.

Race: The only comment I have for the instructor is thank you, you were nice with grading and gave me good feedback. I appreciated it.

Grace: I would just like to say thank you for your hard work and dedication throughout theseyears. You are very affective in your job, and I really appreciate how much you helped me throughout this semester. Your comments, emails, notes, and tips really helped!! I wish you the best.

KaeLynn: Professor Smith has helped me through the earlier course and now this course. He has been a very wonderful and helpful teacher for this course. He is very dedicated and gives much of his time to help us as students become successful not only in our writing but also in our lives. He’s amazing. Thank you!

Joshua: I want to thank my instructor for providing helpful feedback throughout the course and for the work that went into making the class possible.

Hanks: The most valuable thing I learned from this course was how to rise to a challenge. At first I was completely overwhelmed with the daunting task of my final paper. It was a weight on my shoulders as soon as I started the assignments leading up to it. However, after taking a step back and then returning to the subject I found myself enjoying the challenge. The way the class prepped the assignment made it so that I was confident in my topic and in gathering new information as needed. It made doing the assignments less stressful encouraged building on topics rather than just finding information that fit. I also enjoyed the little lessons that congratulated me on finishing a unit. Though it’s kind of silly to say, it always made me feel like someone was cheering me on. I think that if other classes had similar structures as this one online schooling would be a whole lot more enjoyable.

Judah: To my instructor I would say, thank you for being patient with me, and giving me the detailed feedback that you did to help me pass the papers.

Avry: My teacher was very helpful in providing me with answers to my questions and suggestions on how to improve my assignments

Elizabeth: Thank you for being so patient with me during this course! I definitely struggled with senioritis a lot this semester, but I’m grateful for the feedback you gave me despite my having so much work piled up at the end.

Sydney: I will miss learning from you for sure!

Mycah: I want to say thank you to my professor for helping me through this course! I feel like I learned a lot through in this course and the earlier class. I believe that what I have learned here is something that I will use for the rest of my life, and I am happy to get the chance to practice and learn! The feedback on each draft and assignment leaves me feeling like I know what to work on and strengthen further. Thank you for helping me become a better writer!!

Faith: One specific strength of this course is the feedback that is given. Detailed feedback is given for each essay and assignment to help you strengthen your writing. It is very helpful to have this feedback especially when you want to do better with your writing. It allows improvement and growth to happen. This course has been extremely beneficial for me. I have been able to research a topic that I feel passionate about and learn more about the topic. This course has helped me find a possible career that really interests me and I can enjoy doing. The English courses have made my writing better as well as my communication. Overall, this has been a great course that has been the most helpful to me out of most of the courses I have taken.

Aster: I just wanted to conclude by saying thank you for grading and leaving such great feedback when I would complete assignments.

Mercedes: Every essay I have gotten feedback on making sure to proofread, and it helped clear the essays up so much. I want to thank my teacher for providing such excellent teaching and making English a fun subject.

Dominic: I appreciated the extensive feedback I received on my assignments, and I feel that this course has given me some new skills I can use in the future.

Cosette: I would also like to say, of all the teachers on the online program I felt that you were the most involved. You actually read my work and gave valuable feedback. Your course was up to date and the material was correlated with the readings. So I would like to say thank you for actually caring about your class, the effort you put into it shows, and I really appreciated it.

Al: I wish all of you the best as we part ways this semester. Thank you for being my teacher. Thank you for what you have done for me and for every student who has taken your course. You have made us better than we could have been on our own. Thank you for making me better.

Jack: I like the instructor and how he responds to assignments. He recommends what needs to be changed and grades fairly while being very cordial. I also like how the class is structured… I honestly loved this course, and I don’t see any problem with the structure and assignments. Prof. Smith has honestly been my favorite instructor. Some instructors don’t give feedback or don’t reply to student concerns in a timely manner but he does. Hope he keeps teaching just like he is now.

EmmaRay: Thanks for your wonderful insights and encouragement I really appreciate it!!!

Nina: Thank you so much for being my teacher the past two semesters. It has been great learning from you, and I wish you all the best!

Mary: Overall I really enjoyed this course and found all the feedback I was given to be super helpful.

Bridgett: Thank you for all the work you did in this course. I haven’t always enjoyed the professors whom I’ve had to work with… Thanks for all the positive feedback.

Charity: Thank you for your feedback! This course was really helpful and all the great feedback I got made me write better. This will definitely be a valuable class throughout my entire life!

Baden: Thank you for being a quick grader and helping with your comments on my essays.

Gavin: I think that the biggest strength of this course is the format of the online system to be able to see and get feedback from the instructor on every assignment. This tool was very helpful for me to be able to see how I could best improve my essays and work. Thank you for all of the help and feedback that you have given me to help me learn and develop my writing skills this semester.

Rebekah: I want to say thank you to my instructor. He was accommodating and gave me the best advice to help me improve my paper and know I could do better than what I wrote. He told me specific things I needed to improve, which was very helpful because I like that type of advice on what you need to fix specifically.

Porter: I can only say that Prof. Smith was great in reinforcement when I did great on an assignment. He even gave me great points on improving my work.

Sam: This is the best class I have done so far. You were thorough and made me actually feel good. Lots of teachers that I would ask in the past have given me answers to questions in ways such as “this is how it is done obviously stop asking me questions you should already know this.” You are patient and awesome!

Alexander: Thank you so much for everything, I really mean it.

Joshua: Thanks, you are an inspiration to me. Thanks for the insightful comments; they put a smile on my face!

William: Finally, to my course instructor, thank you for your help and feedback throughout the semester. I could not have done this course without your help, notes, and criticism.

Thomas: Thank you! I’ll make sure to work hard and overcome any challenges I might face. I’ll be sad when this program is over but I’m glad I had the opportunity to take it. Thank you again for all your incredible feedback, work, and making this course that much more enjoyable!

Aaron: Thank you so much for being an amazing teacher. You have gotten my assignments back in record time with good feedback. Thank you again and good luck in wherever life takes you!

Coleman: Just real quick, thanks Professor Smith, for consistently sending out updates and reminders, because I likely wouldn’t have made it through the class without those. Also thank you for consistently providing good feedback and advice. I think that’s all. Thanks!

Sam: Thanks for your detailed feedback that you left on each of the assignments. It made rewriting the assignments much easier and helped me learn a lot more.

Gabriel: I also really appreciated the more personalized feedback I received on each assignment. It really helped motivate me to try my best! All in all, it was a great course!

Rebecca: I have really enjoyed working with you these last two semesters. I appreciate your support. Thank you for being honest with me, both when regarding my strengths and weaknesses.

Kaleb: I am very happy with this course, I was able to learn how to write a more effective and well-structured essay. The professor helps so much, all you have to do is ask. Thanks so much Professor Smith for helping me this semester, I have learned a lot!

Alexis: The strengths of this course are the numerous chances for feedback and instruction. The feedback was very helpful and I can tell that my essays were actually read which is nice. I found it very helpful in revising my work and taking advice from the messages. I want my instructor to know I liked this class and I appreciated the feedback and communication. You can really tell when teachers care about the students’ growth. Hannah: I just want to thank you for being a helpful and patient teacher throughout this course

Bryn: Thank you for all your help and support over the years!

Isaac: Thank you! That means a lot, you have always given meaningful feedback and helped me be a better writer! Good luck in your endeavors and have a great summer!

Taylen: One of the strengths of this course I think is the professor. It is so important to have a professor that is good at explaining, will give good feedback, and will give students lessons and assignments to prepare them for the upcoming major assignments. The teacher of this course is a big strength… I appreciate all that you have done in this course! I learned so much and am so grateful for the feedback you were able to give me throughout the semester. Thank you so much!

Emma: To be honest, I am not that good of a student, and I am really bad at time management, so I would say that without your advice and encouragement, I probably would not have passed these classes. Thank you again for all of the help you have given me this semester. Noelle: You have been an amazing instructor!! Thanks so much for all the advice you gave me. It has helped me become a better writer and a better student. Again, thank you!!

Andrew: Overall, I want to express my gratitude for your support and guidance throughout this course. Your constructive feedback and prompt responses to my inquiries are greatly appreciated. Thank you for a rewarding and valuable learning experience.

Kaitlyn: This was a great course, it was certainly hard, but well worth it. Thank you for your amazing feedback and your willingness to help your students, it actually means so much. I have enjoyed these courses very much because you are fantastic at your job. Thank you for the wonderful experience, have a good summer!

Fernanda: Thank you! I must say that your mentorship and lecture have helped me immensely in improving my writing. I will miss having you as my teacher!

Abinadi: I want to thank you for your timely responses to my emails and your guidance throughout the course. I now understand more about English and that it requires a lot of practice and patience if you want to write something good. I’m grateful for the knowledge and skills that I’ve gained from this course, and I’m motivated to continue working on my next English class to improve my skills even more so I become more proficient

Aspen: I really enjoyed this course! I think I was able to learn a lot through information and experience. I also loved my instructor. Prof. Smith was super helpful and always knew exactly what to help with. He really did an awesome job and I will definitely recommend this course.

Isaac: I really appreciate the feedback I got from the instructor. It was very useful and helped me revise my essays to be more persuasive and clearly written.

Gabriel: I really enjoyed this course and I’m glad I got to go through it. Writing is something I aspire to so this feels super validating. Thank you so much!

Aubrey: Thank you again for being such a great teacher, for influencing me in such positive ways, and for encouraging me to be the best I can be, and then some! I am truly inspired, thank you, thank you!

Nina: Thank you so much for all of your feedback! It was honestly very needed and helpful!

Jackson: Thank you for all your help! I really appreciate all of the feedback that you have given me! I am a better writer because of you!

Carmen: I’m thankful for the constructive criticism because it has helped me know what to improve on and become a better writer.

Corbin: My professor was amazing, and his feedback was helpful and accurate. He greatly helped me improve my writing.

Michael: Thank you so much for guiding me and giving me good feedback. You also answered my queries promptly and with great specificity. That gave me all the tools I needed to succeed.

Sara: My teacher this semester was so incredibly helpful, his feedback on all my major assignments was super clear and super effective, it was one of the best examples of constructive criticism that I have received from any of my teachers for the entire time I’ve been here. I only have high regard for my instructor for this class.

Ella: I’m grateful for the helpful and specific feedback and encouragement I received in this course which I have learned much from.

Liam: I must say that the teacher has been a really great instructor and probably my favorite. He is super helpful when it comes to grading my assignments; he always gave feedback that left me feeling happy about my work. His feedback also helped me figure out the issues and problems in my work that I needed to improve on and even gave advice on what I could do to improve those issues. I would definitely say that I could have never worked with a better instructor than Professor Smith. I would totally recommend him to other students starting here.

Olivia: Another strength was instructor feedback. Anytime I submitted an assignment, the instructor would come back with some suggestions for improvements that I needed, and those suggestions helped elevate my work, so I am grateful for that. I don’t think there were any weaknesses of this course; everything was great! If I had the opportunity to take this course again, I would. One final comment for the instructor: Thank you for all the feedback you’ve given me, making this course enjoyable, and being a great instructor overall!

Isabella: My instructor was really nice and helpful, answering my questions when I had them (which was a lot) and giving good feedback on my assignments when he graded them. The course was difficult and a bit stressful at times, but after hard work, I managed to catch back up.

Ariana: It has been really good to work with you this semester and I always look forward to your feedback.

Elsa: Thank you for this class. I know I will use what I have learned here well after this class is over.

Rylan: Lastly, thank you Mr. Smith for providing great feedback, information for sites that I can use to fix my writing, and overall being an exceptional teacher. Thank you!

Jeffrey: The biggest strength would be the availability of both resources for our assignments and also the availability of the teacher. I never had any particular moments where I had to wait to get an answer to any question I had, and I was able to easily work on my coursework as all the information I needed for the work was already provided… I also really liked the teacher, as I have experience with a lot of strict teachers, while Prof. Smith, at least in my opinion, was really supporting and had lots of helpful advice, which really helped keep me motivated. In the end, I had a lot of fun with the course.

Paisley: Mr. Smith gave great feedback and I really think I developed as a writer and as a person!

Gideon: Thank you so much for teaching me throughout this course and grading all my papers! I will use everything I learned here to the fullest I can. Everything I did in this course taught me something, whether it be about my writing, my thought process, or even myself. The things I were taught are invaluable and I will use this information as much as I can.

Fernanda: Two great strengths of this course are the instructor and the lessons. This class’s instructor, Professor Smith, is a huge help and available when asking questions. His feedback is also great because it does help in revising essays, and it is often noticeably clear what to fix. The course’s lesson itself also tells you exactly what you are going to do in the assignments, and what to expect to learn… Overall, this was a great course! Thank you for the experience!

Deagan: The other positive thing about this course was the instructor. The professor that I had was amazing, he helped me with so much and I am very thankful for everything that he did… I would just like to thank my instructor for everything that he has done for me. His comments have been helpful and inspiring to make me want to be a better writer. This class has been super fun and that is thanks to my teacher.

Skyla: For my teacher – thank you for being understanding. I felt that overall, you were helpful and gave good direction. I enjoyed this course.

Kiley: My only concluding comment for my instructor is thank you. I really appreciate you grading my assignments over the last couple of nights. If you didn’t grade them in the time you did, I would still be waiting to complete the revisions for all of the essays. Thank you for being so timely.

Megan: As for my professor, thank you so much for everything you do and for giving me tips on improving my papers so I can become a better writer. I’m grateful for the help and hours you have put into this class, and I wish you the best of luck going forward. You were one of my favorite professors. I hope you have a good Christmas! Thanks again!

Lia: I would like my professor to know that I am beyond grateful for all of his help throughout this semester and the semester before. He has been extremely attentive to all of my needs, always responded quickly, and graded things when I needed them to be graded despite other demands. Thank you for all your help.

Alexa: A specific strength of this course was how I received feedback on my major papers and was then asked to revise them. Most writing courses don’t include revisions like this, especially not where I was given specific feedback and things to change in my writing. I felt like this helped me learn to edit my own writing more effectively. I think the instructor did a good job of providing feedback and encouragement to keep working hard. I definitely enjoyed working with and learning from them.

Jack: The teacher for the class was great! Can’t wait for next semester! I loved how much feedback I got from professor Smith because the other instructors seem to disregard feedback on assignments.

Matthew: Professor Smith, thank you for always grading my assignments quickly. I know I mostly waited until the last few months to do most assignments, so the fast grading really helped me to always be doing something. Also, the tips and improvement ides for my big assignments specifically were always great and really improved every paper I wrote.

Jackson: I want to thank you so much for being so quick with grading my work! You were always the first to grade my work out of all of my other instructors.

Ariana: Thank you! Your words mean a lot to me. All good things take effort and sometimes they break you to make you. Thank you for all that you did for me this semester, I feel so much more confident in my writing than I did when I started this course! Have a very happy holiday!

Sydney: This was a great course for me and I’m happy that I got to have you as a professor again! English is by far my favorite class that I stay most engaged in, and I believe a lot of that has to do with how the course is set up and the type of feedback we get back.

Josiah: Besides that, the class was amazing and has been one of the best classes I have ever taken. I feel like I learned a lot more in this class than I have with any other class I’ve taken. You’ve been an awesome professor and I look forward to taking your other class next year!

Charity: The feedback you gave was really helpful! The emails were also really helpful. The essays were graded really fast and I didn’t have questions very often. This class has been a good learning experience, so thank you!

Hannah P: Thank you so much for the thoughtful feedback you left on all my assignments! It was so incredibly helpful! I really appreciate how you paired constructive criticism with encouragement and compliments. This gave me confidence and made revisions feel way more achievable! I also really appreciated your announcements on pacing, the course software, and tips for major assignments. I felt like you were cheering the whole class on and making sure we were on track to succeed. Whenever I had a question you were always quick to respond which was very nice. I felt very supported and looked out for. Thank you!

Dakota: You are probably the best teacher I have had here. You have interacted with me and given me good valuable feedback on how I can improve my papers while also being friendly, which is something some professors don’t do at all. I have only heard good things about you, and I appreciate that you actually interact and work with students and seem like you are genuinely interested in seeing them improve throughout the course. Thank you for all your help throughout this course, I appreciate it.

Sheila: There’s not much else I would say except thank you for the very insightful feedback, it always helped me improve my writing.

Skyler: Thank you for taking the time to grade my late assignments. I have procrastinated throughout this course but thank you for grading fast and giving me good feedback

Noelle: I actually can’t think of a weakness of this course. I liked the assignments, the lessons, how everything was organized, and the way the course was set up. My instructor was amazing and gave me helpful feedback on my assignments. I enjoyed the videos and the readings for the assignments, and the topics I got to research for my major assignments. I really enjoyed this course! English is one of my favorite subjects, and I learned a lot more about writing and the process of writing through this course. And my instructor was awesome—thanks Prof Smith for all your help!

Kate: My instructor was amazing and very patient. He graded well and gave great criticism.

Thomas: Concluding notes, thank you for this class and quickly grading papers and assignments. It’s helped a lot because of how fast you’ve graded.

Nathaniel: Lastly, I just wanted to thank my professor in particular for always being responsive and giving great feedback

Thomas: I am really grateful for the work you put in, and how fast your returned my assignments. I am very thankful for all of the inspiring comments and helpful critiques you gave me as well. Also how friendly and kind you were. I know that seems not that important, but it really did help the course be so much better. Thank you, and enjoy the Christmas Season!

Sariah: Every assignment I submitted received a very favorable grade, which gave me more confidence in my writing and also created more trust between the student and teacher.

Jeffrey: Thank you for being helpful Professor Smith. I ended up feeling like I gained a lot within this course thanks to the feedback you gave me.

Aster: I am very thankful for the professor’s feedback, as it helped me improve my essay writing very quickly. The professor left amazing feedback when it came to the assignment drafts, and I feel that the course design made it easier for the students to view this feedback and fix it in the essay.

Millie: You have been a very fair and patient teacher, always grading assignments quickly with useful feedback and positive encouragement. I honestly feel like this has been the most useful of all the courses I’ve taken thus far here. Thank you for all your help this semester, Professor Smith.

Marcus: Sir, it was a great pleasure to learn from you and to get all the feedback on my work within a single school day. It truly shows how dedicated you are to your work and students.

Daniel: Once again, I want to thank you for being my instructor. You are by far my favorite out of the ones I have, and I enjoyed having you again for this class. I hope to have you grade my assignments again, but until then, this is goodbye. I wish you luck in the Spring semester and in all your years to come. Stay awesome.

Janina: I appreciated all the feedback I received from my course instructor. It was helpful to me when I did my revisions. You were super fast when it came to grading my work, which I appreciate so much, so thank you.

Owen: The instructor’s feedback was also great. I usually felt like the feedback was beneficial in informing me of what I needed to improve. Due to the clear lessons and the great feedback, I was rarely in a state of confusion when it came to what I needed to do or improve… My one concluding comment for the instructor is to keep up the good work. You were knowledgeable and could always tell me how to improve my work. Again, keep up the excellent work.

Carter: In the course, I learned that writing isn’t about being a good writer, it is about becoming a better one. Life is a place in which we become. The point of life isn’t to be something, it’s to become something.

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